CurrySW RTA Room【Summoners War】


Rerune Service Detail


Rerune Service Detail More Detail → Discord
Rerune Service
Starting in November, c3(c2) players going for g1 will increase the price by about 10$ for the service
(Reason: Because it takes longer than players in other rank)
for example, option1a then 50$
for example, option1a + option2(include report) then 40$ + 25$ + 10$ = 75$

option 1a (40$)- full rta box rerune, including all units that I think you will need. This will include a very general pick strategy.
1b (1$ per monster) - runing of individual monsters of your choice

option 2 (15$) - I will play rta on you account and pick 10 important matches which will be made exclusively to YouTube (This means I will play more than 10 matches). This will not include a written report but I am willing to answer some questions about it through DM. *A optional written report regarding the matches will be made if requested (this will cost another 10$ putting this option to 25$)

option 3 (25$) - I will play rta on you account and pick 20 important matches which will be made exclusively to YouTube (This means I will play more than 20 matches). This will not include a written report but I am willing to answer some questions about it through DM. *A optional written report regarding the matches will be made if requested (this will cost another 10$ putting this option to 35$)

option 4 (35$) - I will play rta on you account and pick 30 important matches which will be made exclusively to YouTube. (This means I will play more than 30 matches). This will not include a written report but I am willing to answer some questions about it through DM. *A optional written report regarding the matches will be made if requested (this will cost another 10$ putting this option to 45$)

option 5 (1$ per match) - I will use wing on your behalf, I cannot guarantee a 100% increase in rates

option 6 (30$) - gw / siege support make offense/deffense units rerune Highly ranked players cannot be supported(I specialize in RTA)

option 7 (25$) - arena ao / ad support make offense/deffense units rerune Highly ranked players cannot be supported(I specialize in RTA)

option 8 (5$ per hour) - I will farm the runes and artifact for you(Available regardless of reservation status)

option 9 (50% of the total amount will be added) - priority support(You have priority to start using the service)

option 10 (80$) - rta & reunit support Basically for players aiming for c3 to g1. For players who are not doing well with their current unit and are considering another unit I will consider your best team in rta I will play rta for about 1 weeks considering different patterns and what is best for you Includes rerune to monsters in need

option 11 (10$) - make solo r5 team

option 12 (80$) - rta boosting You can use this option if I determine that you have the potential to achieve your goals Basically, this is an option to be used later in the season I will play rta until your target rank range The number of wings used has nothing to do with the fee. No 100% guarantee that I will reach your goal I will include a simple rerune, but if you need the full rerune, please use option1a There is a limit on the number of requests ※Difference from option10 option10 is targeted at creating your best unit
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